I was encouraging a laid off executive this morning with his job search plan.

It was gratifying to me that because he is a sales executive, he really connected to what I was preaching in the area of face to face contact.

I told him to keep a specific metric very simple: obtain three to five, face to face meetings each week with hiring executives. These networking meetings could be coffees or lunches. I also told him to be very disciplined about this and hold himself accountable to meet the numeric goal.

If you have a friend or family member who is struggling with getting traction with interviews, tell them about the magic of three meetings per week. After one month, the number becomes 12. After two months, the number is 24. Face to face meetings lead to interviews. Interviews lead to job offers. The pipeline gets loaded.

Great things develop when people see you face to face. They are much more inclined to help.

Step away from the computer and engage!