I am going to start a series about clients I learn from that help me become better at what I do as an Austin area Executive Search Firm owner. I am blessed with some wonderful, long term client relationships since I started in the Executive Search business in 1997.

Kasha Bartholomew is the VP of Human Resources for Velocity Credit Union in Austin.

I am always amazed how Kasha has the knack for staying calm during important discussions about the best ways to manage a potential candidate relationship. I believe she possesses the ability to actively listen to what everyone is saying before she speaks. I believe Kasha puts her ego on the side as she truly wants to be objective about the best course of action. The best course of action is always about balancing what is best for her Credit Union and what is best for the candidate or employee.

I also feel the passion that Kasha has for her career in Human Resources. You can actually feel that she loves what she does. It truly shows.

Last, I have learned from Kasha how to work at long term relationships. For example, if she senses that I need to express myself more on a particular subject or issue related to a candidate relationship, she will pick up the phone and check in with me. She just knows when an email is not the best fix.

This is what I have learned from Kasha: staying calm, using active listening skills, putting your ego on the side, having a passion for one’s career and taking the extra step to insure the health of a long term business relationship.

She is one very cool HR executive and I admire her.