This morning I sent a wonderful person some names of  business people she may want to contact in the Austin community. This person is looking at a career change and is interested in pursuing networking referrals that will eventually lead to her next job.

When I decide to help someone with networking referrals I try to remind them that “no networking meeting is ever a bad meeting.” What I mean by that is face-to-face networking meetings always lead to other actions that will help the person with their job search. Always.

On the other side of this, I like to tell people that they must offer the person they are seeking out,  the opportunity to HELP THEM too. Perhaps if not now, somewhere down the road as they should not forget the kindness that was exhibited to get together.

Simple concept but it works for both parties and establishes long term business relationships and friendships.

When networking, always ask how you can help that person who has taken their valuable time for you.