The art of asking for a networking meeting is contingent on obtaining a referral of someone who knows your networking target.
Always use “referred by _______” in the email subject heading as it will alert the network target that someone has offered up their name as a valued contact.
The email to the networking target should be brief and to the point. Here is an example of a person who wants to obtain a networking coffee to aid their job search:
Hi _______,
I was referred to you by _______ of _______________.
I would like to understand if it would be possible to have a coffee or lunch to discuss networking for an opportunity in the __(locale)___area.
If possible, I would schedule the coffee or lunch opportunity near your office so that it is easy for you.
I have attached my resume for your review.
I believe you may find my deep background in ____________ and ___________ to be a fit for many executive positions that you may be aware of.
Thank you and please advise if this will work for you.
If no answer back, I would suggest two more touches. Perhaps one email reach out (4 days later) and a personal call to leave on the voicemail for the following week. If no answer after that, stop trying with that referred person. Be a polite pest and not a bad pest.
There is an art to obtaining face to face networking meetings. Obtain a valued referral and keep it simple and direct.