When candidates interview with our firm or directly with our clients, we always close the loop with them. Obviously, if there is big interest, we will work with the successful candidate all the way through the offer and hire with our client.

How about candidates that don’t do as well i.e. candidates that don’t make it past our firm’s initial interview or past the first interview with our client?

If you are an executive search firm or staffing agency, I argue that everyone who interviews for a position needs some sort of feedback. I also believe it should be accurate feedback that closes the loop and also opens the door for the future. You never know when a past candidate who came in 4th place becomes your best candidate for the next search. It also is the right thing to do. No one should be left hanging once they have invested time with you.

Here is an example of an email I sent to a candidate who did not get to the second step with my firm:

Hi Tom, 

I checked with my client about your candidacy. 

Looks like they need additional technical skills in the area of a large ERP system background. 

I truly appreciated the time and effort that you gave to this interview with us. 

Please stay in touch. I know you are a talented executive and a great Guy. 

You are now on our radar for future opportunities. 

If you have any questions, please call me. 


Close the loop on a positive note with all candidates who interview with you or your client. It is a good business and it is the right thing to do.