Took a broad and bold written stroke today with a very general statement that candidates are insecure.

Keep in mind, they are insecure for great reasons:

1) Candidates do not know who they are competing against.

2) Candidates don’t know if they are a truly great fit for the company culture (but are hopeful that they are).

3) Candidates usually don’t know how many times they will be brought back to interview before they finally get an offer (IF they get an offer).

4) Candidates invest a large amount of time and energy to get the job and sometimes find out during the last minute than an additional candidate will be in the running and this new candidate will blow their chances.

5) Candidates are hopeful that the future boss they are interviewing with is the real deal (and not someone else) after the offer is accepted.

I could go on and on but candidates are generally very insecure but for very solid reasons. They are insecure due to a lack of control during the interview process.

As recruiting professionals it is our job to alleviate the insecurities. Insure that you are communicating with each and every candidate whether phone, text, email, Skype, etc. Prepare them the best you can so that they do well in the interview situation. Feedback any information on how well they are doing during the process. Over communicate with them from beginning to the end of the interview cycle.

The bottom line is to give them timely information so they can assess their realistic chances of winning the position. As a recruiter, you are developing a trust that will be needed when you close the deal with an offer. They will trust your guidance and advice as they know you will be candid with them.

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Earn a candidate’s trust and confidence from day one. It will pay off when doing the deal of “bridging” the candidate and client together.