This week has been wonderful. I say that because this is the week that all of my firm’s hard work is starting to payoff with a Chief Level position we have been working on.

For the past 8 weeks we are now to the point of having (3) Chief level finalists for a great executive position for a valued Austin client. Our job this week is to get them ready for their final interview.

What can a retained executive search firm do to get the chief level final candidates ready to “win” an offer from the client?

Here is our obligation:

1) Discuss how your firm has “pitched” their candidacy from a technical and soft skills perspective. This will offer the candidate a perspective of how they have been perceived from the client point of view.

2) Discuss interview day personalities. Offer the candidate a perspective on operating personalities and what to expect from a people style point of view. Walk thru the entire agenda that has already been created for the candidate.

3) Discuss compensation parameters. Insure that the candidate understands the compensation range (base and bonus) and make sure they understand what has been communicated to the client about their current compensation.

4) Discuss how initially they have been perceived with comments that have been made about their candidacy with any earlier interviewing they have completed with the client (if not considered client confidential). Make sure they are ready to answer any concerns about their candidacy.

5) Review any candidate presentation materials to observe if there is anything that does not fit the specific client culture and operating style.

6) Insure that the candidate has completely researched the company and personalities they will meet.

My firm also likes to meet face-to-face for this final coaching preparation meeting. It is just better to do it in person.

Get your final candidates uber ready to present themselves in the best way for the final interview. The stakes are high for the client, the candidate and your firm.

Do this the right way and then sit back and let it happen. Your client will make the right choice.