Very good news for you. An executive candidate, sourced from your executive search firm, has been selected to interview with your client company in person.

What is the best method to get that candidate ready for your client so they are prepared to win the job?

1) Explain to the candidate how you have “pitched” their candidacy to the client. This can offer context before they walk into the client interview. I like to review areas that I have presented to the client about the candidate’s motivation for the job, operating style, technical fit plus any compensation or relocation issues. Discuss all of this information with your candidate before they walk into the interview.

2) Go over the most critical areas of the job description that are “must haves” for the client. These can include both technical and cultural areas for the job fit.

3) Discuss the client personalities that your candidate will meet over the interview day. Giving a glimpse of each person they will meet is a way to make the candidate feel more secure about going into a job interview.

4) Be very candid about any area that the candidate needs to be aware of with their operating style. For example, some candidates may get too chatty while interviewing due to nerves. Some candidates may show so much energy and passion that they don’t listen when they should. If you observe something early on and you also believe in the candidate, it is your responsibility to point it out and make them understand the issue. If you don’t, your client certainly will observe it and the hiring process will most likely end.

5) Insure that your candidate has taken the time to research the company and personalities via websites and social media links. Clients want to know that the candidate has done their homework and are serious about the job.

6) If the candidate is coming from out of town for the interview and they have a little bit of downtime, insure that you point out a restaurant or city landmark that they should experience while they are there. This is a good way to plant a positive seed about the new location to the candidate.

Getting your candidate ready to win is your job as an executive search professional. If you do this right, you have a better chance of placing the candidate for your client and both parties win.