Executive Search Process

Earning Candidate’s Respect & Trust

My search firm never ever treats candidates like cattle. Candidates are treated exactly how we treat our clients; as honored partners in the recruiting process. Once you earn a candidate's respect, the search firm will earn the candidate's trust and that will be pivotal when attempting to strike the final deal that is a "win-win" [...]

“Exceptional” in the Eyes of the Client

"I am very very grateful. You are an exceptional company." Meaningful words my firm received this past Sunday from a CEO regarding the closing of a Chief level search project. Let's "reverse engineer" and understand how these words were earned: Have placed 5 very talented executives in the past 1.5 years with this client Honored a [...]

10 Recruiting Insights

I recently spoke at a PRESNET meeting in Lincoln, Nebraska (PRESNET, formed in the late 1980's, is made up of local CEO's who have created a forum related to exchange of topical business information). My presentation revolved around 10 Recruiting Insights that will help CEO's increase their chances to close the deal with top talent [...]

“Simple is the New Black” With Cover Letters

I am often asked what makes for a great cover letter? A simple, concise, to the point cover letter is always appreciated. Candidates should understand that most recruiters spend less than a minute speed-reading a cover letter. Creating a document that is reader friendly is extremely important.  Insure that you, as the candidate, examine the job [...]

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