This is a new and ongoing series about interview tips that work well for candidates. I will try to keep the information simple but also very useful.

Collect these tips in the coming year so that it always improves your chances of obtaining the job you want.

Tip #1

Always exercise before any interview

I don’t care if the interview is at 7am. Get out and exercise at 5am. You will look better, feel better and talk better if your blood is flowing well throughout your body and mind.

2016-10-05 Kyoto Arashiyama Bamboo Forest sal

When I have an important business development meeting (pretty much like an interview), I will exercise by walking or biking at least 40 minutes ahead of the meeting to be at my best. If I don’t do this, I can seem tired, lethargic and not as sharp.

Don’t ignore this tip. It works well for candidates and as well for me.