Clients I Admire

Clients I Admire-Part 12

This is a continuing series about clients I admire and who have made a big difference in my business and life in general. The first 11 parts of this series have highlighted the following clients and friends: Kasha Bartholomew, Paul Trylko, Casey Leaman, Karen Ganzlin, Mike Klockenga, Tony Budet, Debbie Mitchell, Vickey Thayer Kleinsmith, Richard [...]

Clients I Admire – Part 11

This is a continuing series about clients that I truly admire and who have made a big difference in my business and life in general. The first 10 parts of this series have highlighted the following clients and friends: Kasha Bartholomew, Paul Trylko, Casey Leaman, Karen Ganzlin, Mike Klockenga, Tony Budet, Debbie Mitchell, Vickey Thayer [...]

2017-07-15T02:06:01-05:00By |Clients I Admire|

Clients I Admire, Part 10

This is a continuing series about clients that I truly admire and who have made a big difference in my business and life in general. The first 9 parts of this series have highlighted the following clients and friends: Kasha Bartholomew, Paul Trylko, Casey Leaman, Karen Ganzlin, Mike Klockenga, Tony Budet, Debbie Mitchell, Vickey Thayer [...]

Clients I Admire-Part 9

This is a continuing series of clients that I truly admire and have made a big difference in my business and my life in general. The first 8 parts of this series have highlighted the following clients and friends: Kasha Bartholomew, Paul Trylko, Casey Leaman, Karen Ganzlin, Mike Klockenga, Tony Budet, Debbie Mitchell and Vickey [...]

Clients I Admire-Part 8

This is a continuing series about clients I have worked for and admire. Thus far in this series I have profiled Kasha Bartholomew, Paul Trylko, Casey Leaman, Karen Ganzlin, Mike Klockenga, Tony Budet and Debbie Mitchell. Vickey Thayer Kleinsmith was the former and now retired VP of Human Resources for Lozier Corporation. Our excellent business [...]

Clients I Admire-Part 7

This is a continuing series to highlight clients that my firm admires.Thus far in this series we have written about Kasha Bartholomew, Paul Trylko, Casey Leaman, Karen Ganzlin, Mike Klockenga and Tony Budet. Debbie Mitchell is the President of Velocity Credit Union in Austin, Texas. Debbie started with Velocity 27 years ago as a Lending Assistant [...]

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